Join Us

To continue to do our activities, we need continuing funding. Some of this comes from the local businesses who advertise in our newsletter, but most of our income comes from subscriptions from local residents.

To become a member and support us in this way costs £4 per individual each year. As well as contributing to funding for our activities, this entitles you to vote at our AGM.

Standing Order is the preferred way to pay; please make payments to DDRA, sort code 40-19-34, account number 91006347, using your surname as reference. If you choose this option, please contact us with your name and address using our Contact Us page so that we can look out for the payment.

If you prefer to pay using cash or cheque (payable to DDRA), please deliver it to Jane Holt, 217 Widney Road, Bentley Heath B93 9BW